SQL> show variables like 'innodb_file_per_table';
- 查看数据库及数据库的字符集。
SQL> show databases; SQL> show create database {数据库名称}\G;
- 查看指定数据库下表及表的字符集。
SQL> show tables from {数据库名称}; SQL> show table status from {数据库名称} like {表名称};
- 查看表中所有列的字符集。
SQL> show full columns from {表名称};
- 查看数据库及数据库的字符集。
SQL> select 'database' type,schema_name db,count(*) cnt from information_schema.SCHEMATA group by db union all select 'table' type,table_schema db,count(*) cnt from information_schema.TABLES a where table_type='BASE TABLE' group by table_schema union all select 'events' type,event_schema db,count(*) cnt from information_schema.EVENTS b group by event_schema union all select 'triggers' type,trigger_schema db,count(*) cnt from information_schema.TRIGGERS c group by trigger_schema union all select 'procedure' type,routine_schema db,count(*) cnt from information_schema.ROUTINES d where routine_type='PROCEDURE' group by db union all select 'function' type,routine_schema db,count(*) cnt from information_schema.ROUTINES e where routine_type='FUNCTION' group by db union all select 'views' type,table_schema db,count(*) cnt from information_schema.views f group by table_schema union all select 'index' type,index_schema db,count(distinct index_name) cnt from information_schema.STATISTICS g group by db union all select 'partition table' type,table_schema db,count(*) cnt from information_schema.PARTITIONS p where partition_name is not null group by db;
SQL> select table_name,table_rows from information_schema.tables where TABLE_SCHEMA = '{数据库名称}' order by table_name desc;
SQL> select table_schema,concat(round(sum(DATA_LENGTH/1024/1024),2),'MB') as data from information_schema.TABLES group by table_schema;
SQL> select column_name from information_schema.columns c where table_schema='{数据库名称}' group by column_name order by column_name desc;
SQL> select data_type, count(*) cnt from information_schema.COLUMNS c where table_schema='{数据库名称}' group by data_type order by cnt desc;
SQL> select o.constraint_schema 约束拥有者, o.constraint_name 约束名称, o.table_schema 表拥有者, o.table_name 表名, o.column_name 列名, o.referenced_table_schema 外键表拥有者, o.referenced_table_name 外键表名, o.referenced_column_name 外键表列名, o.update_rule 约束更新规则, o.delete_rule 约束删除规则, o.unique_constraint_name 唯一约束名称, t.constraint_type 约束类型 from ( select k.constraint_schema, k.constraint_name, k.table_schema, k.table_name, k.column_name, k.referenced_table_schema, k.referenced_table_name, k.referenced_column_name, r.update_rule, r.delete_rule, r.unique_constraint_name from information_schema.key_column_usage k left join information_schema.referential_constraints r on k.constraint_name = r.constraint_name ) as o inner join information_schema.table_constraints t on o.table_name = t.table_name and t.constraint_name = o.constraint_name where o.constraint_schema != 'mysql' and o.constraint_schema != 'sys';